Covid-19 Procedure

Covid-19 Procedure

Thank you for your patience while we prepared the clinic for reopening.

We are very pleased to be able to resume services however we are still limited on what we can provide. Dental treatments involve being in close proximity to one another, and aerosols generated during treatment carry a high risk of transmission of COVID 19. As your health is our priority, we have implemented several policies and procedures to ensure that we can complete your appointment in the safest manner possible.

Please read this very carefully before your appointment.
Entry into the building:
  • Please attend alone unless you are a child or a vulnerable adult in which case you may come in with one other person.
  • Please ensure you wear a face mask before you enter the building. Please try and bring your own mask as the standard of masks we require to work are in very short supply and we would like to maintain our stock.
  • Do not attend more that 10 minutes before your appointment time; you will be asked to wait outside if you do.
  • Upon entry you will need to sanitise your hands, and coats and bags will need to be placed in a box near the entrance.
  • You will then be directed to a ‘sanitation station’ where your temperature will be taken and recorded.
  • After this you will be directed to a chair until your appointment is due.
  • We regret to inform you that the toilet will not be accessible so please use the toilet at home before you attend. We will already be seeing far fewer patients than we would like, and this would be further reduced if we need to clean the toilets between each use as well.
Entry into the surgery:

During your appointment, your dentist and nurse will be in much more protective gear than you’re used to! Please do not be worried about this, it is for everyone’s protection. We may not be able to communicate with you as freely as we would like with the masks and visors on, if further clarification or discussion is needed after your appointment we will be happy to arrange a video consultation at a later time to go thorough any questions you may have.

After your appointment:
  • You will return to the waiting room and your belongings will be returned to you.
  • We will ask you to sanitise your hands once more before you make a payment.
  • We request you make payments with contactless where possible, either via apple pay or google pay.

The practice will then be cleaned thoroughly before the next patient arrives.

enjoy a healthier, more precise smile

Please enter your details and chosen treatment. Our team will be in touch as soon as possible!


Select your treatment and preferred clinician below:

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