Londent is undergoing a complete refurbishment.

Big News! Londent is undergoing a complete refurbishment.

After taking over Londent, myself Dr Shefali Sood and my sister and business partner Dr Shwaita Sood have really focussed on our valued patients and have done our best to get through the difficult times that Covid-19 brought with it.

Now with that hopefully fully behind us, we felt it was a good time to put our personal stamp on the practice and give it a fresh new look. We know we will be here for a long time to come and want to invest in the practice to make it the best it can be for you.

To that end, we have hired the talented team at Eastern Design Offices to redesign the common areas of the practice and our fab builder Luis Santos started works over the Christmas period.  

What you can expect:

  • New flooring! The white wood was a little tired and chipped, we have replaced it with a neutral wood look for a warmer welcome. 
  • New bathroom with disabled access. The tiling has been completed and the new suite is to be fitted this week. Apologies to those patients who have not been able to use the toilet last week and thank you for your patience.
  • New reception and seating. This might be a month or so away as we’re getting a bespoke desk and seating made for a more cosy and comfortable experience. 
  • Recovery room. We’re adding a new private room for patients who have had treatment under sedation, to recuperate in after their appointment. Think of it like a safe space away from the bustle of the rest of the practice.
  • Plants! There will be plants. Hopefully everywhere. Who doesn’t like plants?
Dr. Shefali Sood
BDS (Lond)
Principal Dentist
GDC no: 228586
Dr. Shwaita Sood
BDS (Lond) MFDS RCSed Dip DSed
Principal Dentist
GDC no: 177283

Thank you again for your patience to all those who have attended and will attend during the building works. It will be worth the wait, we promise!

Here’s a sneak peek at the new flooring, what a difference already! Stay tuned to see more photos of the new developments; or even better, come in and check it out for yourself.

New natural wooden flooring

enjoy a healthier, more precise smile

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