Teeth Whitening

Your smile is one of the first things people notice. What is yours saying about you? If a stained smile is holding you back, then our GDC approved Teeth Whitening procedure may be for you.

Our Priority

Teeth whitening is a simple, effective and affordable way to remove the ageing effects of discoloured, dark or stained teeth. Our priority is to help restore your smile to its brightest best, with the use of up to date dental bleaching technology.

We Understand

At Londent, we understand that yellow and stained can be unattractive and seriously hinder your social life. The type of treatment you choose will depend on the natural colour of your teeth, the type of staining, your budget and your individual needs and expectations.

Quicker & Safer with Londent

Professional treatments are safe and effective because they are supervised by a dentist. Teeth whitening products available at Londent contain a higher concentration of bleaching agents than over-the-counter products, for quicker and safer teeth whitening either at home or in the dental practice.

A Safe and Reliable way of whitening your teeth

We aim for an enhanced natural appearance and results to obtain the B1 shade are guaranteed. There is no need to change your diet and with simple at home maintenance, the results can last forever.

Our dental team have tested a multitude of different whitening products, but have been impressed with the reliability and simplicity of Enlighten. Many of our patients have been delighted with their flawless new smiles.

It’s just a few steps to get you your pearly whites, here’s how it goes:

1)     Book yourself in for an appointment

2)     Have moulds taken for your whitening trays

3)     Start using the Tooth Serum every time you brush to keep sensitivity at bay

4)     Pick up your custom-made trays

5)     Begin your 2 week at-home treatment

6)     Finish up with a 40 minute in-surgery boost for a forever white smile.

Enlighten Whitening – Before and After
Teeth Whitening – Before and After
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